
Safely leverage customers data to improve marketing strategy

With Sarus, marketing objectives can be delivered at scale without compromising customer trust. Retailers, distributors, and brands collaborate on their data to better address their customer needs in full compliance.

Use cases include: sharing insights with brands, improving retail media experiences, activating audiences on joint data, optimizing marketing strategies with partner data.

Privacy-safe data cleanroom

By using Sarus in their data cleanrooms, retailers, brands, distributors, banks, or telcos combine their data with no risk of leaking personal information. The cleanroom can be fully self-served, the data is nonetheless perfectly protected. It is no longer necessary to define a data masking strategy, RBAC rules, or to pre-agree on the code that is allowed to run on private data.

Fully protect customer trust

By bringing the gold standard of privacy protection, Differential Privacy, Sarus bolsters customer trust in the solution providers. It helps build strong brands while continuously improving services.

Leverage all private data in full compliance

The two governing principles of Sarus are: no data movement and no personal data sharing. This enables companies to leverage data across geographies and business silos in full compliance. It solves data transfers limitations and facilitates data protection impact assessments.

Data activation made secure

With Sarus, marketers can use identifying information in their models without putting it at risk. Deterministic or non-deterministic matching becomes straightforward. Marketers can analyze audiences, design marketing strategies and push the selected segments to their marketing tools, without ever exposing identifying information.

Case studY

Sarus for Marketing in action

Marketing segmentation without data access

You don’t need access to confidential customer data to build your AI-based marketing segments, here’s how!

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