
Security and Privacy
for Financial Services

Sarus provides enterprise-grade data security solutions for financial services organizations to do more with confidential data. They deliver data projects faster, in a more secure way, with simplified security and compliance procedures. Analytics and AI workflows benefit from the highest level of data security and privacy, making the entire organization more agile.

Banks and insurers can finally leverage any private data across borders or legal entities to train AI systems, design marketing strategies, improve risk models with finer data, or engage with other banks to better track financial crime, while guaranteeing their clients the unparalleled level of data protection.

Democratize Analytics & AI

All stakeholders can be part of digital transformation efforts. They explore data assets, test and validate hypotheses, and build AI applications without friction, creating unprecedented value.

Streamline compliance and security reviews

Since data consumers never access source data, anonymization or desensitization processes are no longer necessary and leakage risk is mitigated. Internal processes become lighter, yielding faster decision cycles, reduced time-to-data, and higher project success rate.

Strongest data loss prevention

When data is exported, there is little the security team can do to prevent misuse, leakage, breaches, or loss. With Sarus, sensitive data remains inside, only safe outputs can be exported. It provides the best response for insider threat management in all Analytics and AI activities.

Full auditing and logging of data use

Removing the need for copying data out allows data owners to track every data processing query. With Sarus, all computations are logged, and the exhaustive lists of outputs produced from confidential data can be analyzed and audited.

Case study

Sarus for Finance in action

Data pooling for financial crime fighting

A novel architecture combining the confidential computing solutions from Azure and the Sarus privacy layer to pool data from different banks and safely detect fraudulous transactions.

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